Invisible Inventors

Timeline2 Months  

TypeExperimental Typography
Awarded 2023 Graphis New Talent Silver

projectThe development of an effective visual design system seeks to unify different components of a system yet instill excitement through its innovative representation of meaning. The project focuses on the manipulation and arrangement of typography and image as it conveys messages through a poster series.


Scientist and inventors are the building blocks of the future as they develop new technology that we use in our daily lives, but more often than not their inventions overshadow the inventor, Invisible Inventors: X-Marks the spot relights the spotlight to highlight these people to show they are more than just their inventions they build the future. Inventors are the building blocks of the future as they develop new technology that we use in our daily lives, but more often than not their inventions overshadow the inventor, Invisible Inventors: X-Marks the spot relights the spotlight to highlight these people to show they are more than just their inventions they build the future.

Sketches and Ideation

The sketching process began with a the idea of building blocks and how society develops and builds from the accomplishments of inventions and technology, so a 3D grid was established to show depth and dimension where the names would be spelled out and built like a puzzle of sorts.

I knew early on I wanted to include a unique texture to each poster that became part of the identity of who these inventors were, so research into each inventor not only gave me a better idea of who these people were, but also giving them connection to one another.


From paper the digital process began of rebuilding the established grid and making each poster differ from the other with just the spelling alone since just placing their names in this grid wouldn’t make them unique from each other, thus defeating the purpose of this series. Their names almost became like a puzzle to decipher as the spelling was not completely linear, leaving a layer of mystery of who these people were.

Visual Systems

What do inventors do? I’d say they break the limits and boundaries of what we know to create and adapt to the world around us, thus breaking the border became a narrative on top of the textures and blocks of names.

From each poster we see a difference in color, texture, shape and name and each in unique to the person themselves, rather than their inventions since those were only a part of who they were and their names should be remembered just as much.


Final Poster Series
@ Jessica Blowers 2024