Bubble Tea Festival

3 Months


ProjectThe development of an effective visual design system for branding seeks to unify different components from core values and color to build a unique identity to replace the old. This project focuses on identifying the source of the festivals core values and designing to include why this festival exsists and create a unique visual system for future branding.


Vancouver Bubble Tea Festival started only a few years, but several years of the event were cancelled due to Covid and now the festival is make its debut again this summer and needs a new brand identity. This is the festival of all things bubble tea including drink and food vendors, a bubble tea competition to decide the best flavor from the local shops, crafts, and so much more. This new identity was created to fit the burst joy and fun this festival brings each hot summer as a way to bring the Asian community of Vancouver together to celebrate culture and food all while attracting boba connoisseurs  or those interested in discovering something new.

Sketches and Digitalization

The sketching process was rough, and multiple times throughout the project I came and changed aspects of the logo before I was pleased with the final.

At first, I thought to incorporate the orca whale because it is a symbol of Vancouver, but quickly ran into the problem of where to possibly add text or add aspects of boba. Taking aspects from the failed orca logo I began to build my new ideas and began to customize typefaces to have a more fluid feel to simulate liquid.

Color was another struggle as bubble tea comes in all colors and shade so it’s hard to pin point one specific color pallet. Lot’s of experimenting ensured and overall I found myself leaning towards softer colors to represent the summer and the airy feeling over the warm air.

Final Logo and Variations

Style Guide

Brand Assets
@ Jessica Blowers 2024